China International Capital Corp (CICC) is implementing a major cost-cutting measure by slashing the base pay of its onshore investment bankers by 25 per cent.
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China International Capital Corp (CICC) is implementing a major cost-cutting measure by slashing the base pay of …

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FeatureFinancial InstitutionsInternational NewsNews
China’s CICC slashes bankers pay by 25% – sources
China International Capital Corp (CICC) is implementing a major cost-cutting measure by …
by Nada Ali -
The World Bank projects a 3 per cent decline in commodity prices …
by Aya Anwar -
Gold prices are expected to hold steady near their recent record highs …
by Nada Ali -
Dubai is moving ahead with the construction of a new passenger terminal …
by Aya Anwar -
The Egyptian Ministry of Health and Population signed on Sunday a memorandum …
by Aya El Sayed
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Canadian retail sales dropped for the second consecutive month in February, falling short of expectations. The decline …
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Mexico’s inflation exceeds expectations in 1st half of April
by Aya Anwarby Aya AnwarMexico’s inflation exceeded expectations in the first half of April, likely solidifying the decision to maintain interest …
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China’s c. bank injects $281.5m liquidity via reverse repo
by Nada Aliby Nada AliChina’s central bank injected two-billion-yuan ($281.5 million) liquidity into the banking system on Wednesday, through a seven-day …
Featureforex newsInternational NewsNewsThe Watch
China’s yuan strengthens against dollar
by Nada Aliby Nada AliChina’s yuan gained ground 11 pips to 7.1048 yuan per dollar on Wednesday.
FeatureIndustry & TradeInternational NewsNews
China’s capital goods prices rise in mid-April
by Nada Aliby Nada AliChina’s capital goods prices edged higher in mid-April compared to the beginning of the month.
Africa NewsFeature
Africa’s high debt service stalls 2030 agenda progress – UN
by Aya El Sayedby Aya El SayedAfrica is grappling with multiple crises, including a 183 per cent debt increase since 2010, quadruple the …