Home NewsEgypt News UAE Minister of State says Egypt will defeat Terrorists

UAE Minister of State says Egypt will defeat Terrorists

by Noha Gad

Emirati minister of State for Foreign Affairs Anwar Gargash said Thursday that Egypt will be victorious in its battle with militants.

Speaking after the attacks in Sinai that left more than 50 soldiers dead, he said the terrorists would not prevail.

“There is no substitute for victory over terrorism in Egypt, and despite the bloody violence, systematic attacks and political and media support for extremism but that victory is inevitable and is coming. And there is no doubt that the desperate terrorism war on Egypt on the hands of the Muslim Brotherhood and ISIL will fail because it is an unjust war,” Dr Gargash tweeted. “The trust in the victory of Egypt and it’s people is predominant.”

He said the recent terror attacks in Egypt, Kuwait and Tunisia proved there were links between those who “pretend to be moderate and [those] who practice terrorism”.

Source: The National

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