Giza Criminal Court, headed by Judge Mohamed Fahim Darwish, decided to suspend considering the case of Islam Afefy, Al Dostour Editor-in-chief, in which he is convicted with insulting President Mohamed Morsi, and publishing false news, till deciding the challenge request.
The court has decided before to adjourn the trial of Islam Afefy till today’s session. It also remanded him in custody, but President Morsi decided to cancel the decision; therefore the prosecutor general released him.
The prosecution has charged Islam Afefy with publishing false data and news that can disturb the public security, frighting people and harming the public interest. This is after the newspaper has published that Arish lands are being sold to the Palestinian paving the way for occupying Sinai. The presidential elections results were rigged. And the president order to open Rafah crossing to let militants enter Sinai.
The prosecutor also accused Islam Afefy of deliberately publishing false news to harm the public interest.
Trial Of Editor-in-chief Insulted President Morsi Suspended
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