Home NewsEgypt News Settling Bedouins Help In Developing Sinai

Settling Bedouins Help In Developing Sinai

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Safwat Abdel Barry, chairman of Sinai Development Committee in Chamber of Building Materials, called for urgent planning for constructing a comprehensive developing project in Sinai, in collaboration with the Bedouins. This project will be a real development for Egypt during the coming period.

The chairman elaborated that this project is based on settling a big number of individuals in Sinai, mainly focusing on the agricultural business to build the infrastructure of the project. He referred that settling 3 million people will take 10 years.

He underscored the necessity of involving Sinai’s Bedouins in the agreements which occur in the region, whereas their presence in the region may help in succeeding of failing any development process in Sinai.

He said bringing reconciliation between the Sinai’s Bedouins will improve the states; referring to the last attack in Sinai came about due to negligence lasted for many years.

The committee awaits the results of the new strategies that ministerial committee will set to develop Sinai.


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