Home NewsEgypt News Report: 51% of Egypt Youth Are Poor

Report: 51% of Egypt Youth Are Poor

by Salma Ayman

Egypt’s statistics agency, the Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics (CAPMAS) reported on Monday that the number of the youth in Egypt (18 to 29-year-old) has reached 19.4 million, representing 23.6% of the total population in 2012, 3.51% of them are enlisted within the impoverished brackets. 

In Egypt, 27% of  the youth are suffering from poverty, while 24.3% are approaching the poverty threshold. Meanwhile, the youth who are not enlisted within the impoverished category reached around 48.7%.

On the occasion of World Youth Day held on August 12th of each year and adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations, the CAPMAS has further announced on Monday that the employment rate among the Egyptian youth has hit 28.3%.

The Worth Youth Day has been held since 1998 by the UN in recognition of their vital and effective roles in the progress of the nations.

The Egyptian statistics agency explained that the unemployment rate among the young men, who hold university degree, reached 37.8%; while for the high school degrees holders, they hit 24.3% and for the illiterates, the rate totaled 7.9%.

CAMPAS added that the unemployment rates as regard to the young women carrying university degrees or above recorded 56.5% and 53.9% for the higher school degrees holders. for the illiterate young women, the jobless rates reached 1.1% only.

The statistics showed that the rates of the young married men in the age group of 18 to 29 years old recorded 66.1% of the total married couples. For the young married women as regard to the same age group, they hit 86%. 
The percentage of the divorced young men reached 27% of the total male divorced as opposed to 48.6% for the females.

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