Home NewsEgypt News Mustafa Bakry Resignation Invalid: Ragaee Bakry

Mustafa Bakry Resignation Invalid: Ragaee Bakry

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Judge Ragaee Attia said Mustafa Bakry’s resignation from Egyptian People’s Assembly is invalid because the council is dissolved last June by the verdict of the Supreme Constitutional Court.

The resignation of Mustafa Bakry, a member of the dissolved parliament, came after President Mohamed Morsi canceled the decision of dissolving the council, and having early parliamentary elections within 60 days after the consent on the new constitution by the Egyptian people. President Morsi, on his Twitter account, called on the People’s Assembly to hold a session till finishing the constitution.

On the other hand, Egypt’s Supreme Constitutional court affirmed on Monday evening that its verdicts are on all the state’s apparatus, after President Morsi reinstated the parliament.

The court, in its statement after holding an urgent meeting to discuss Morsi’s decision, underscored its verdicts are final and unchallenging. According to the verdict of Article 50 of the Supreme Constitutional court’s law, the court is the only to judge on the disputes of implementing verdicts and its decisions.

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