Home NewsEgypt News Essam Sheha: No Guarantees … MB Broke All Their Promises

Essam Sheha: No Guarantees … MB Broke All Their Promises

by Yomna Yasser

Essam Sheha, member of Wafd’s higher committee, said none of the current presidential candidate had provided firm guarantees for stability and security restoration. “So far, the Muslim Brotherhood (MB) broke all their announced promises as they had seized the majority of seats of the People’s Assembly (Lower House) and of the Shura Council (Upper House) & Severely running for Presidential Office.” Sheha added

“MB had also seized 75% of the Constituent Assembly memberships and field their own presidential candidate”

“From the current scene, we have returned back to the beginning after 15 months passed since the Revolution without doing anything effective. We did not have a certain plan for the transitional phase.”

Sheha mentioned that the revolution has led to witness a division instead of unity which was its main goal.

“The best solution to heal the division would be through the HPEC’s submitted appeals by bringing about effective decisions so as to change the status quo and also through the constitutional court’s approval to ban the former regime’s figures from taking part in the political scene.”

In the meanwhile, the Dignity (Karama) Party chairman Mohamed Samy has emphasized on the party’s refusal of the MB’s control of the legislative assemblies, of the government and of the head of state position.

“Yet, Dignity Party rejects having the former regime figures in the political scene again.” Samy said commenting on not supporting any of the current presidential candidates.

On the other hand, Dr. Khaled Saeed – the spokesman of Nour Salafi Party – described Sheikh Mohamed Hassan’s support for Dr. Mohamed Morsy as a patriotic decision and expected from the Sheikh.

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