Home NewsEgypt News Egypt’s Sisi calls for international support for African climate initiatives

Egypt’s Sisi calls for international support for African climate initiatives

by aya salah

Egypt’s President Abdel-Fattah El-Sisi presented Egypt and Africa’s initiatives to face climate change at the UN summit on the issue in Paris, calling for international support for African countries, whether technical or financial, in order to face the impacts of climate change.

In a panel hosted by UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Mon on climate resilience during the 2015 Paris Climate Conference Monday afternoon, the Egyptian president stated that climate change represents a huge challenge to the African continent despite it having the lowest level of harmful emissions globally.

El-Sisi, who is heading a climate change committee of African leaders at the UN, also shared the African initiatives regarding renewable energies.

He also cited a UN environmental report putting the financial gap in funding to Africa at $12 million a year by 2020.

Some 150 heads of state, including US President Barack Obama and Russia’s Vladimir Putin, gathered on Monday for two weeks of climate change talks aimed at forging a global pact to combat climate change.

source: Ahram Online

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