Home NewsEgypt News Egypt’s PM Mahlab Resumes Talks Over Cabinet Reshuffle

Egypt’s PM Mahlab Resumes Talks Over Cabinet Reshuffle

by Amwal Al Ghad English

Consultations over Egypt’s new government, which are currently underway, are due to conclude on Sunday, with an announcement of the new cabinet formation expected later in the day, reported state news agency MENA.

Prime Minister Ibrahim Mahlab had tendered his cabinet’s resignation to newly inaugurated President Abdel-Fattah El-Sisi earlier last week. El-Sisi, however, reappointed Mahlab minutes later, requesting he form, and head, a new caretaker government.

The prime minister had earlier said he would quit his post – in which he had served less than four months – once Egypt’s new president is sworn in.

Mahlab was selected last February, following the resignation of Hazem El-Beblawi, a liberal economist who was appointed under a transitional roadmap following the ouster of Islamist president Mohamed Morsi on the back of massive protests.

The new cabinet will also act as a caretaker government in the absence of a parliament that, under Egypt’s 2014 constitution, must endorse a president’s choice for a prime minister.

According to the constitution, a parliament majority has to approve a president’s choice for prime minister within 30 days of the president’s call. In case a chosen premier and his cabinet fail to secure the votes of a majority of MPs, another candidate is fielded by the party or coalition that secures the largest parliamentary bloc.

If the second nominated premier and cabinet are not approved by parliament within 30 days, the parliament is deemed dissolved and the president calls new elections.

Source : Aharam online

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