Home NewsEgypt News Egypt’s Anti-Morsi Signature Drive To Hold Wednesday Press Conference

Egypt’s Anti-Morsi Signature Drive To Hold Wednesday Press Conference

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The anti-President Morsi ‘rebel’ campaign plans to hold a press conference on Wednesday to reveal the number of signatures they have managed to collect countrywide since the campaign’s launch.

The initiative, which officially began on 1 May, hopes to collect 15 million signatures by 30 June in order to register popular opposition to President Mohamed Morsi and his policies and demand snap presidential elections.

Last week, campaign organizers claimed they had collected some three million signatures in support of their demands.

Wednesday’s press conference is slated to take place in Cairo’s Agouza district.

On Saturday, when President Morsi was asked about the petition drive during a visit to Ethiopian capital Addis Ababa, he urged ‘rebel’ campaign organizers “not to forget the key principles of democracy.”

“Some people point out that I barely got 52 percent of the vote in [last year’s] presidential election [runoff against Mubarak-era PM Ahmed Shafiq],” Morsi said. “But legally and constitutionally, I am the legitimate president.”

Ahram Online

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