Home NewsEgypt News Egypt expresses regret over failure to pass UN resolution on US Jerusalem decision

Egypt expresses regret over failure to pass UN resolution on US Jerusalem decision

by aya salah

Egypt has expressed regret over failure to pass a UN Security Council resolution condemning the US president’s recent decision to recognise the city of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and transferring the US embassy to the city, the Egyptian foreign ministry said. 

Egypt had presented on behalf of Arab countries the draft resolution condemning US President Donald Trump’s decision.

The resolution was vetoed on Monday by the US after gaining support from all 14 other members of the Security Council, including key US allies Britain, France, Italy, Japan and Ukraine.

The Egyptian foreign ministry said that the vote was an expression of the “conscience” of the international community, which rejects in clear terms the US’ recognition of Jerusalem as the Israeli capital.

“It is very worrying that the Security Council is incapable of issuing a resolution that goes in line with its previous resolutions and positions regarding the legal status of Jerusalem as an occupied city that is a final status issue” in Israeli-Palestinian peace talks, the ministry’s statement read.

The ministry said that the overwhelming support for the resolution demonstrates the international community’s rejection of any decisions that aim to alter the status of Jerusalem or negatively impact the future of the peace process.

The statement added that the Arab countries in UN will meet to evaluate the situation and determine further steps to defend the status of Jerusalem.

Egypt has long maintained its support for the establishing of a Palestinian state along the 1967 borders with East Jerusalem as its capital.

Source: Ahram online

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