Home NewsEgypt News Egypt comments on Saudi Arabia decision to cut ties with Iran

Egypt comments on Saudi Arabia decision to cut ties with Iran

by aya salah

Egypt’s Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry said that the decision taken by Saudi Arabia to cut ties with Iran “meet its sovereignty and interests,” pointing out that Cairo cut its ties with Tehran 27 years ago.

Shoukri said in a press conference with Saudi counterpart Adel Al-Jubeir that the Iranian “interference” in the internal affairs of the kingdom “is unacceptable and not approved by any international laws and norms.”

The presser came on the sidelines of the Coordinating Council between the two countries.

“We have stressed many times that we reject any form of interference in the internal affairs of the Arab, especially when it has an impact on Arab national security,” Shoukry said, adding that several Arab countries are coordinating with each other regarding diplomatic relations with Iran.

Several Arab countries followed the Kingdom’s lead to cut or downgrade diplomatic ties with Tehran. On Monday, Bahrain and Sudan severed ties with Iran, while the United Arab Emirates recalled its envoy from Tehran.

The Egyptian FM also said that “the security of the kingdom is an integral part of the security of Egypt and [vice versa].”

Tensions between Saudi Arabia and Iran erupted into a full-blown diplomatic crisis on Monday as Riyadh and its Sunni Arab allies cut or reduced ties with Tehran, sparking global concern.

Following a diplomatic row over Saudi Arabia’s execution Saturday of prominent Shia cleric and activist Sheikh Nimr Al-Nimr, Riyadh severed relations with Tehran, the world’s main Shia power.

Nimr was among 47 men executed on Saturday, including other Shia activists and Sunni militants who the Saudi interior ministry said were involved in Al-Qaeda attacks that killed dozens in 2003 and 2004.

source: Ahram Online

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