Home NewsEgypt News Egypt army continues ‘anti-terrorist’ operations, kills 7

Egypt army continues ‘anti-terrorist’ operations, kills 7

by Amwal Al Ghad English

Egypt’s army said on Sunday that it has killed seven “terrorists” in raids on “militant sites” in North Sinai, Ismailiya and Daqahliya governorates.

The army’s spokesman, Brigadier General Mohamed Samir, said in a statement on his official Facebook page that seven “terrorists” were killed in shootings during the raids, with 91 others arrested from 14-19 September.

He added that forces destroyed nine cars and 65 motorcycles that were “used to carry out terrorism operations against the army and police”. Forces also seized firearms and improvised explosive devices (IED).

Egypt’s government expanded its anti-terrorism campaign – previously mainly concentrated in Sinai – following a spike in attacks on army and police sites and personnel after Islamist president Mohamed Morsi’s ouster.

Samir also said on Sunday that the army destroyed five entrances to smuggling tunnels connecting the peninsula to the Palestinian Gaza Strip.

Army forces have targeted militant hideouts in Sinai with helicopters and ground troops, killing hundreds in recent months, while Islamist militants have repeatedly attacked security personnel, also killing hundreds.

Speculation has been rife on the appearance in Sinai of the Islamic State (IS), a militant group that has overrun swathes of Iraq and Syria. Security officials have expressed concern that the volatile peninsula could serve as a base to export extremism across the region.

Source : Ahram online

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