Home NewsEgypt News Court Dismisses Lawsuit Against Egypt’s Elbaradei

Court Dismisses Lawsuit Against Egypt’s Elbaradei

by Amwal Al Ghad English

A Cairo misdemeanors court dismissed a lawsuit on Saturday accusing former vice president Mohamed ElBaradei of “breaching national trust.”

The lawsuit was filed by a number of Egyptian lawyers after ElBaradei resigned from the vice presidency in protest of the violent dispersal of two sit-ins supporting former president Mohamed Morsi on 14 August.

Following Saturday’s decision, ElBaradei criticised the “malicious and absurd lawsuits” filed against him.

“Are lies and hypocrisy becoming a hobby for some?” asked ElBaradei via Twitter.

The Nobel Peace Prize laureate has been subject to a smear campaign by a number of journalists and politicians who charge that his resignation was “unpatriotic” and accuse him of abandoning the government at a critical moment.

ElBaradei was recently accused by opponents of collaborating with the international Muslim Brotherhood organisation to sabotage the post-Morsi government.

However, no meetings between ElBaradei and members of the Muslim Brotherhood have been confirmed.

Source : Ahram

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