Home NewsEgypt News BREAKING: Police Fire Teargas at Pro-Morsi Students in Cairo’s Tahrir Square

BREAKING: Police Fire Teargas at Pro-Morsi Students in Cairo’s Tahrir Square

by Yomna Yasser

Police fired teargas at around one thousand pro-Morsi students protesting in Cairo’s Tahrir Square on Sunday afternoon.

Army tanks and police vehicles sealed off the square from all directions.

Protesters retreated to the Talaat Harb entrance to the square heading to side streets.

The Islamist students marched to the square from Cairo University in Giza where they had been protesting the death of a student at a demonstration on Thursday.

Traffic was initially undisrupted in the iconic square as marching students, holding Rabaa signs, shouted anti-military and anti-police slogans.

Thousands of students had been demonstrating on and around the university’s campus in Dokki since Sunday morning to condemn the killing of their colleague, Mohamed Reda, before Islamist students marched to Tahrir Square.

The Freedom and Justice Party, the political arm of the Muslim Brotherhood, has called for supporters to join the protesters in Tahrir.

Tahrir Square, the highly symbolic focal point of protests against Hosni Mubarak and Mohamed Morsi, is usually sealed off by troops on major protest days.

Pro-Morsi demonstrations have taken place at a number of universities since the start of term in September.

Source: Ahram Online  

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