Home NewsEgypt News Amwal Al Ghad plans a new Economic TV Show soon

Amwal Al Ghad plans a new Economic TV Show soon

by Yomna Yasser

The leading economic monthly magazine Amwal Al Ghad is preparing soon for a new comprehensive economic show to be aired at a distinctive satellite TV channel.

Unforgettable Fruitful Experience:

The new show follows Amwal Al Ghad’s one-month landmark cooperation with Al Nahar TV channel, represented in Kol Al Zawaya (From All Angels) programme hosted by famous media figure Dina Abdel Fattah to promote Egypt Economic Summit Conference (EEDC).

In an unprecedented step, Amwal Al Ghad Magazine’s editorial team was mandated to set up the economic content for Al Nahar TV Channel during the mid-March Sharm conference, through Kol Al Zawaya. The team has provided the channel with a four-day live coverage for the economic conference.

The live coverage was attached with a number of highly-important exclusive interviews with key officials, including Egyptian Prime Minister Ibrahim Mahlab, and several ministers in the country in addition to leading economic local and international figures took part in the conference.

In one month of successively adopting TV journalism approach, Kol Zayawa programme has managed to host a large number of officials and economic leaders to talk about visions and solutions to the country’s economic challenges. The programme has made vivid coverage for all the country’s sectors; industry, trade, banks, tourism, real estate, energy, communications, IT, and entrepreneurship.

From her part, Dina Abdel Fattah said she was pleased with her experience with Al Nahar Channel and with the positive feedbacks she got from guests and audiences of Kol Al Zawaya.

Feedbacks were received on Kol Al Zawaya’s professional economic content that aimed to analyze economic decisions of high importance for Egypt in addition to develop a public awareness about methods to build a strong economy and achieve sustainability.

The media figure further added that she is currently studying a number of TV offers to present a comprehensive economic programme, prepared by Amwal Al Ghad’s editorial team.

New Programme Soon

The new programme will be presented in different form and content to be a new type of economic shows that depend on positive and easy analyze for all economic decisions and events that Egypt witnesses, Abdel Fattah noted.

Furthermore, Abdel Fattah stated that the society is now ready to receive and accept new types of economic TV shows that address its mind in a simple way and focus on its problems related to living conditions.

She asserted that Egypt Economic Development Conference (EEDC) helped in forming considerable rate of public opinions that cares for economy rather than politics, sports, and arts.

Moreover, Abdel Fattah concluded that all state’s agencies, with assistance of media, should prepare for Egypt’s new economic experience that copes with its conditions from now through designing stable and attractive investment system.

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