Home NewsEgypt News Parliament passes new media and press institutions law

Parliament passes new media and press institutions law

by Noha Gad

Parliament on Wednesday passed a new law introducing new regulations for press and media institutions with a two-thirds majority.

According to copies of the law published in local media, it includes nearly 90 articles. According to the law, an independent Supreme Council for Media Organisations should be formed to regulate media and press affairs.

The law will also establish a National Press Authority, in charge of looking into press-related legislations, monitoring the financial and administrative performance of national newspapers, and appointing the heads of their board of directors. The authority should replace the current Supreme Press Council, according to state media.

Moreover, state media reported that a National Media Authority will replace the current Egyptian Radio and Television Union (ERTU).

Meanwhile, state media also reported that the parliament generally approved a law to establish a syndicate for media workers, but the vote on the law has not yet taken place.

The press community has been awaiting the issuance of a unified media law that would hopefully tackle the ethical regulation of media and press outlets, and address the issues of imprisonment for crimes related to publishing in accordance with constitutional articles guaranteeing freedom of expression and banning censorship.

Source: Daily News Egypt

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