Home NewsEgypt News Parliamentary staff could face mandatory ‎drug testing

Parliamentary staff could face mandatory ‎drug testing

by aya salah

An informed source with Egyptian parliament’s ‎secretariat-general disclosed Monday that all ‎parliament staff, including an estimated 3,000 employees, will face mandatory drug testing ‎in the coming days.‎

The source said the testing comes upon the request ‎of the health ministry, which asked the parliament’s ‎speaker Ali Abdel-Al in an official letter that he ‎approves a measure requiring all parliamentary to undergo mandatory ‎drug testing.

“This is part of an overall government ‎policy aimed at imposing mandatory drug tests on ‎all employees in state offices and public authorities, ‎including parliament, be they senior ‎officials or low-ranking staff,” said the source.‎

The source said the health ministry also ‎requested that a special room in parliament be ‎devoted to drug testing.

“The health ministry’s ‎special labs will take charge of conducting these ‎tests next week to determine whether any of the employees ‎use drugs,” said the source, adding that “if ‎anyone tested positive for drug use, he or she will ‎face legal procedures.”‎

Other anonymous sources indicated that the 594 MPs will ‎not be subjected to mandatory drug tests.

MPs have ‎already passed these tests as part of their registration ‎for parliamentary elections last year, said the sources.‎

Meanwhile, parliament speaker Ali Abdel-Al and ‎minister of international cooperation Sahar Nasr ‎signed a “cooperation protocol” on Monday.

“The ‎protocol aims at raising the technical and ‎technological capacities of parliamentary employees ‎in terms of modernising the archive system, ‎improving the electronic voting system, storing ‎information, and updating parliament’s news ‎website,” Nasr said.‎

Nasr also indicated that parliamentary employees ‎will receive intensive training on how to conduct ‎research and opinion polls.

“Under the protocol, ‎parliamentary employees will pay different visits to ‎all Egyptian governorates to identify the needs and ‎priorities of citizens and prepare reports on them to ‎be used by MPs,” Nasr added.‎

source: Ahram Online

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