Home NewsEgypt News Abd El Azim: A “Civilian President” Terrifies Generals

Abd El Azim: A “Civilian President” Terrifies Generals

by Amwal Al Ghad English

Dr. Hazem Abdel Azim – political activist- said that the committee -which was supervised by consultant “Tarik Al Bishry”, and called the committee of constitutional amendments, as it produced the constitutional declaration- have contributed to the current confusing status witnessed within the political life currently in Egypt, and the state of reconciliation and then clashing between Muslim Brotherhood – The Parliamentary Majority- and the Supreme Council of Armed Forces; have also contributed in fueling the fires of the transitional phase significantly.

He added that the shape of the new constitution will be a compromise between the Islamic Constitution –which was written by Soufi Abu Taleb the Former Parliament’s Chairman- and the 1971’s Constitution, and there are many subjects that I expect to raise disputations during the discussions of the New Constitution, and the most prominent subject expected to cause conflicts is the Assembly’s position of public freedoms, and although that Article II -of Islamic Shariah- is not a matter of conflict, but it is expected to raise talks about it as well.

What Are the Main Reasons of transforming the pathway of “Transitional Phase” into this struggling   scene between political powers?

In my opinion, the primary mistake in the management of the current transitional phase is the route taken by the group of constitutional declaration, which was headed by the Consultant Tarik Al Bishry, with an Islamic majority, such as Sobhi Saleh – a leading figure of freedom and justice political party the political arm of the Muslim Brotherhood-  and the  constitutional expert Atef al-Banna, and others, so this group has sorted out the constitutional amendments that changed the shape of the transitional phase, as it dropped all of generally accepted standards in the whole world, which stresses on the need to draft the new constitution that cope with the revolutionary legitimacy firstly, and then proceed in the presidential election and the parliamentary election.

This committee has developed the way that led the transitional phase in general, so you can imagine that a small group have decided the destiny of Egypt, as they neglected the constitutional legitimacy, and that committee was unable to elect a constituent assembly for the Egyptian Constitution, so it broke them down in two stages, first the parliamentary elections, and then the elected parliament should write the constitution.

How do you see the mechanism of forming the constituent assembly?

Basically it is a wrong mechanism, especially as it was not founded according to a scientific basis in the first place, and that was very clear because of the rush of Dr. Mohamed Saad El Katatny – parliament chairman- during the session of electing the assembly,

An Assembly of setting a new constitution should witness the participation and sharing of all people, with all of its sects, and the assembly should not be seized by a single community as what happened, so it was necessary to ask for assistance of statistics and social science experts and professionals, in order to conduct sects’ classifications for the Egyptian society, to make sure that all of them get represented in the Constituent Assembly.

Would you approve that  Military-Brotherhood deal has participated in the deteriorated political status?

We can’t assume the existence of a deal, although all evidences assure this assumption, as the story of concurrence among Muslim Brotherhood and the Supreme council of armed forces; began after Mubarak’s stepping down in the 11th of February 2011, then recently their relation reached a blocked  road, after a batch of conflicts that resulted in this deteriorated political status.

According to the current scenarios, how do you expect the foreseen constitution to be?

I expect the new constitution to represent a compromise between the Islamic Constitution – founded by Sufi Abo Taleb the Chairman of a former parliament- and 1971’s constitution, and there are many subjects that I expect to raise disputations during the discussions of the New Constitution, and the most prominent subject expected to cause conflicts is the Assembly’s position of public freedoms, and although that Article II -of Islamic Shariah- is not a matter of conflict, but it is expected to raise talks about it as well, and one of the most prominent articles –in 1971’s constitution-  that also may raise some disputes; is the article of establishing political parties, which banned the establishment of parties on a religious basis, such as the current parties: Freedom and Justice, El Noor, Justice, building and development parties, as all of them belong to Islamic directions.

What about the Armed Force’s situation?

There is a problem of the Armed Forces’ situation within the new constitution, as this was clear through the evident from the document of over-constitutional principles, announced by Dr. Ali El Selmy ,especially  its Articles 9 and 10, which tried to find a privileged position for the military in the  constitution, as these articles indicated considering military budget as a secret issue, and that is what the Assembly is working on combining it. But in the first place; Armed forces should not exist or rule in the political life.

But there are evidences indicating the armed forces expected intervention in the political life during the next stage?

Armed Forces are really worried of the existence of a civil president, as this worry is easy to be observed through the approach of managing the current transitional phase, as they refused to support a candidate over the interest of another one, because in the current times’ the armed forces have some interests with a particular candidate over the others.  – as they may allow General First Class Ahmed Shafik to win the race of elections- so if he did it and win the elections, he will guarantee the stability and security of Armed forces, because he was a former military official.

And for the same regard, the Armed forces will refuse to support Abd eL moniem aboul Fotooh in the presidential election; because Aboul Ftooh does not have any military background.

After Agreeing on banishment of armed forces out of political life, what about their economic role?

Supreme Council of armed Forces should not play any economic role in Egypt, as it should give this role to the state.

Would you agree on the need of a strong businesses’ sector before receiving militaries factories to the state?

Of course, all of the factories should be restored to the state’s properties, as well as keeping military and weapon factories with the military.

What are the primary mechanisms needed to repair what was destroyed by the previous regime?
In my opinion, Egypt does not need a complete comprehensive electoral programs, political visions, long-term, or long-term strategies, but what Egypt Need is a “Strong Man”! Who can solve three main problems within the first presidential period, which are Eradicating Corruptive System, Curbing the Military, and Restoring Security, and these three mechanisms are likely to cause a general renaissance in Egypt.

Finally, what about the practical mechanisms to incur an economic renaissance?
The main principles are transparency, respecting court’s judgments, especially because this is the most needed factor by foreign investors.

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