Home NewsEgypt News Al-Shater: Sharia is My Prime Concern & I prefer “Mixed Government”

Al-Shater: Sharia is My Prime Concern & I prefer “Mixed Government”

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Eng. Khairat Al-Shater, Egyptian presidential candidate, said that he has no deal with the military junta about his running for president, assuring that what is being said about this matter is not true.

He underscored the Islamic law (Sharia) is of paramount importance; as he will form a group of Islamists (who gather to discuss matters then the group dissolves) to help Parliament in achieving the goal.

In his first interview, after announcing his running, with the Legitimate Authority for Rights and Reform, Al Shater said that we are facing a big challenge to pass the status quo on the mid and long term. He said that the minister of interior’s work should be lessening in order to diminish its presence in all the state’s aspects.  Awareness campaigns and lectures for training the police officers should be done; moreover, the people should support them in the first year.

As for the presidential institution, he explained that he will adapt the idea of “Mixed Government”.

Al-shater elaborated that the medias is one of the most dangerous weapons used against the revolution in general and Islamists also, so the official media should be promoted and those who have real visions in media system should be presented.

Attended the interview Dr. Ali Ahmed Al Salos, the chairman of the Legitimate Authority for Rights and Reform, and Dr. Talaat Afefy, deputy of the authority, as well as Dr Mohamed Abdel Maksoud. Dr Mohamed Youssry Ibrahim, the authority’s secretariat, led the interview.

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