Home NewsEgypt News Military Retain 8-Year Veto Over Defence Minister In Egypt’s Constitution

Military Retain 8-Year Veto Over Defence Minister In Egypt’s Constitution

by Amwal Al Ghad English

Egypt’s new constitution will stipulate that the defence minister must be a member of the military and must be appointed with the approval of the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces.

Article 174, a temporary article, states that, for the next eight years, the defence minister is to be appointed by the president from the ranks of the armed forces, with his choice subject to the military council’s approval.

The article also stipulates that the president retains the right to remove the defence minister from office.

The status of the armed forces in a new constitution has been the topic of heated debate inside the 50-member committee.

Egypt’s army has denied exerting any pressure of the committee for preferential treatment.

The committee has been assigned with amending the 2012 constitution which was drafted under former president Morsi.

The 2012 constitution was suspended following Morsi’s ouster in July, as part of a political roadmap adopted by the interim authorities.

The panel is to present a final draft on 3 December  to the president. It will be put to national referendum following his approval.

Source : Ahram

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