Home NewsEgypt News Gunmen Storm NBE in Arish, Police Officer Killed in Sinai

Gunmen Storm NBE in Arish, Police Officer Killed in Sinai

by Salma Ayman

A police officer has killed today in Arish after being face a snip from the armed terrorism in North Sinai, and unidentified gunmen are currently shooting fire on the National Bank of Egypt and the military base in Arish.

A security source has asserted that the police officer, Ahmed Galal was paying a visit to Arish in order to inspect the security situation, and during a visit, an armed sniper was shooting him and he killed immediately.

The Interior Minister, Mohamed Ibrahim, was sent condolence and promised to provide all comprehensive care aspects for his family.

Moreover, 25 polices in the security forces were killed this morning and two other were wounded as a result of attacking from indentified during their returning from a holiday.

Indentified gunmen are currently shooting fire on the National Bank of Egypt (NBE)’s building and the military base in Arish.

It is worth mentioning that a number of citizens and employees are inside the Bank and could not get out of it because of the continuing fire.

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