Home NewsEgypt News Egypt’s Foreign Minister Receives Sunday Albanian Counterpart

Egypt’s Foreign Minister Receives Sunday Albanian Counterpart

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The Egyptian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mohamed Kamel Amr, will receive today his Albanian counterpart Edmond Panariti so as to discuss the bilateral relations between Egypt and Albania in various fields.

It is expected that the two sides will sign cooperation agreements.

It is worth mentioning that the two countries’ politics share a large degree of common issues and interests, and both countries are members in International Organizations and Fora, including the Organization for Islamic Conference and the Union for the Mediterranean, where it becomes evident that the shared cultural heritage between them has influenced the political perspectives, which often effortlessly meet eye to eye; Albania has been an important supporter of a large number of Egyptian nominations for positions within the framework of these international organizations. Furthermore, where the political stances are different, the unique nature of the relationship has meant that there is a great deal of mutual understanding and respect for one another positions.

On the economic level, Egypt and Albania are working towards improving economic and trade relations over the coming period; bilateral trade reached 18.4 million Euro in 2009, with 17.64 million Euro worth of good being exported from Egypt to Albania. The most notable Egyptian Exports include vegetables, cement, natural gas, ceramics, carpets and health care products. Albania exported beans, roof tiles, and ceramic tiles.

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