Home NewsEgypt News Al Katatny: Minority of Judges involved in lifting travel ban decision

Al Katatny: Minority of Judges involved in lifting travel ban decision

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Ahead of parliamentary delegation, Dr Saad Al Katatny, PM, traveled today to Kuwait to participate in the 18th meeting of Arab Inter-parliamentary Union, to be held on Monday and Tuesday.

Before leaving Cairo airport, Al Katatny announced that the issues of Arab parliaments, especially after revolutions in the region, will be discussed during the meeting; as these revolutions will lead into rearranging their policies during the coming period and people will widely express themselves whereas the governments will not only specify these polices.

He added that he will closely get acquainted with chairmen of Arab parliaments during the conference, and he will work on regaining the relation between these parliaments and the Egyptian one; on new bases that suit post-revolution.

With regard to the travel of NGOs defendants, he said that such matter distorts Egypt and its position as well the Egyptian judges; assuring that the Egyptian judiciary is soaring even if there are deals but they hadn’t been done secretly, as this matter to be offered to the Egyptians to detect the truth.

He referred that PA decided to use all mechanisms and parliamentary means to detect the truth and penalize any officials, whoever got involved in this case.

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