Home NewsEgypt News WPS: Mona Zulficar addresses four factors to unlock full potential of Egyptian women

WPS: Mona Zulficar addresses four factors to unlock full potential of Egyptian women

Mona Zulficar

Egyptian women have all the potentials to land in leadership roles, taking into consideration the PPPA factors, said Mona Zulficar, founding partner of law firm Zulficar & Partners, on Sunday.

Zulficar made her remarks at the Traits of Women in Leadership and Mechanisms of Achieving Frontline Leadership session at Women Professionals Summit (WPS) taking place in Cairo under the auspices of Egyptian Prime Minister Moustafa Madbouly.

The PPPA stands for Patience as women need to be patient while pursuing their dreams, Persistency while learning how to manage and succeed, Passion as they need not to lose hope and to bounce back stronger after failure, and Adaptation to the work challenging environment, Zulficar explained.

“Women are the backbone in terms of raising and forming a conscious community with a true will to succeed. Women raise children, providing them with a healthy environment to grow up as successful insipiring adults.” she added.

The Summit is powered by Top 50 Women Forum and Amwal Al Ghad Magazine in collaboration with the National Council for Women (NCW) and the Ministry of Planning and Economic Development.

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