Home Tech/AIIndustry & Trade Polyserve Transfers Fertilizers Factory from Aswan to Ain El Soukhna

Polyserve Transfers Fertilizers Factory from Aswan to Ain El Soukhna

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Polyserve Group for Chemical Industries decided to move its fertilizers factory from Aswan to the industrial zone in Ain El Soukhna, as a result of objections campaign by people of the (Elsebaieya) village “Ezbet El Bostah  – Edfo center – Aswan governorate”, because of health damages they have suffered since the establishment of the factory.

Dr. Sharif El Gabaly -Chairman of the company- said that the cost of moving procedures was more than 150 million, and this led the total investment of the factory in infrastructure to reach 330 million EGP in addition to more than 80 million EGP, which is the value of establishments, which were held in Aswan.

El Gabaly said -during an exclusive statement to “Amwal Al Ghad”- that there are ongoing negotiations between the Group and the Industrial Development Authority, in order to allocate land for the purpose of establishing the new factory in the industrial zone in Ain El Sokhna to resolve the problem between the management of the factory and people of villages surrounding Aswan.

He explained that the first stages of production is estimated to be 300 thousand tons of phosphate and complex fertilizer, as the management of factory has ended the last phases of the its initial operation, which targeted a production capacity of 300 thousand tons per year, rising to 600 thousand tons in the second stage.

El Gabaly added that local production of phosphate and complex fertilizers was suffering a slight deficit of 20%, which was imported from abroad or from the free zones in Egypt, so after the pumping of the production of Aswan plant, this deficit will fall to less than 5%

To be mentioned that people of the Elsebaieya have sent several complaints to the Supreme council of Armed forces and the Ministry of Environment, as they were complaining of the construction of chemical fertilizers factory inside the village, and the claimed the existence of damages on the health of citizens there, because of this factory.

On the other side, more than 200 workers from Aswan’s factory have conducted “sit in” more than once in front of the Aswan Governorate, as they were demanding to re-operate the factory that was closed since January 28, 2011, despite the fact that these protesters are receiving their salaries every month, but they fear not to run the factory again, and they were worried about stopping their salaries in this case, but this was denied by El Gabaly, as he said that what happened was not their fault.

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