Home Feature Pet abandonment cases soar as inflation rise – survey

Pet abandonment cases soar as inflation rise – survey

by Nada Ali & Sama Mousa
Pet abandonment cases soar as inflation rise

Inflation has been a main factor affecting communities across the globe due to COVID-19 crisis and the Russian war, which resulted a noticeable number of abandonment pets in shelters and streets, according to Veterinarians.org’s survey.

With the economic crisis across the world, food, electricity, and gas prices have been increasing, leading to a decline in people’s economic state.

In addition to the increase in pet food and treats, which all lead to pet owners surrendering their pets to shelters or even leaving them on the streets.

The survey shows that 1000 pet owners in USA, 50 percent of pet owners are now shopping for cheaper alternatives to pet food and almost 46 percent of pet owners had to cancel or delay their pet prescriptions and medications.

While, 24 percent of pet owners have considered giving their pets new homes or surrendering them to shelters, the survey explained.

With the economic crisis continuing across the globe, the threat that faces pets is not coming close to an end anytime soon.

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