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Malek, El Zorba, Al-Swedy Turn Down FEI’s Chairman Post

by Administrator

Galal El Zorba, President of the Federation of Egyptian Industries (FEI), has officially announced taking retirement, elaborating that he wouldn’t run for the new term 2013. He also asserted that the Egyptian businessmen Hassan Malek, Safwan Sabet and Mohamed Al-Swedy have no intent to run for chairing the FEI, and all the chambers were informed with this in order not to send their names for the Egyptian Minister of Industry.

It is worth mentioning that Galal El Zorba is the board’s chairman of “Nile Clothing Company”, and also he had been chairing the FEI for 6 years. Meanwhile, Safwan Sabet is head of Juhayna Group, and he was the former chairman of the food industries chamber. He is now a member of the FEO, while Mohamed Al-Swedy is deputy chairman of the FEI.

As to Hassan Malek, he is the chairman of EBDA, the Egyptian Business Development Association. The EBDA is one of the non-governmental associations that its activity focuses on the business community. Malek is a member of Islamic Countries Youth Entrepreneurship Network (ICYEN).

The FEI and the industrial chambers are under the presidential decree no. 253/1985, which provides that the minister of industry is authorized to assign the chairman of the FEI, the two deputies and the five members of the board.

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