Home Tech/AIIndustry & Trade Industry ministry keens on maximising benefit of export support programme

Industry ministry keens on maximising benefit of export support programme

by Noha Gad

Egyptian trade and industry ministry keens on maximising benefits of the new export support programme, Minister Tarek Qabil stated Wednesday. The programme was launched by state’s Export Development Fund to be applied from the beginning of July 2016.

Qabil added that the new programme targets deepening the industry and maximising the value added, accordingly, executing ministry’s plan to double Egyptian exports to different markets.

He added that the programme comes as a result of ministry’s coordination with Export Development  Fund, different exporting sectors, and Federation of Egyptian Industries (FEI).

The programme includes seven axes that focus on securing local manufacturing, promoting infrastructure for export, developing Upper Egypt and border areas, increasing exports, developing small enterprise export, enhancing access to Africa and other new markets, and raising the quality of Egyptian industry.

Minister Qabil noted that a number of sectors would benefit from the programme notably ready-made clothes, textiles, engineering industries, food industries, leather, chemicals, furniture, pharmaceuticals, and others.

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