Home Feature Gov’t considers flight discounts under consumer spending initiative

Gov’t considers flight discounts under consumer spending initiative

by Amwal Al Ghad English
Egypt's Red Sea resort of Sharm el-Sheikh

The government is looking into adding domestic tourism in its recently launched consumer spending initiative through offering discounts on domestic flights and other means of transportation to support the country’s ailing tourism sector, according to source with knoweledge.

The report comes just days after the government announces its new scheme that aims to boost consumer spending so as to drive economic growth in amid coronavirus induced recession

The government launched its “Not Too Expensive for You (Ma Yeghlash Aleik)” program at the beginning of this week to stimulate some 125 billion pounds Egyptian pounds worth of consumer spending.

Citizens can obtain discounts of 15-25 percent  on a range of goods including electronics, appliances, clothes and furniture, while ration cards will be granted additional 200 pounds per person up to a maximum of  1k pounds per family.

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