US dollar exchange rates against the Egyptian pound increased in banks exceeding EGP16.02 across Egypt on Monday, compared to Sunday’s exchange rates
The exchange rate for US dollars at the Central Bank of Egypt was set at EGP 15.92 for purchase and EGP 16.02 for selling, compared to EGP15.87 for purchase and EGP15.97 for selling on Sunday.
Rates at the National Bank of Egypt (NBE) and Bank Misr increased by six piasters, recording EGP15.91 for purchase and EGP 16.01 for selling.
Dollar rates increased 12 piasters recording EGP15.93 for purchase and EGP16.03 for selling at the United Bank, Commercial International Bank (CIB), the HSBC Bank, Audi Bank, the Arab African International Bank (AAIB), and the Suez Canal Bank.