Egypt President Abdel Fatah al-Sisi opens on Thursday the Egyptian medical city, GYPTO Pharma, which has been established with state-of-the-art technology.
The city, spanning over an area of 180,000 square metres (sqm), is one the largest cities of its kind in the Middle East.
It includes number of plants that manufacture sterilized medicines, non-sterilized medicines, solid medicines, cancer treatment products, and medical equipment.
”We started preparing for this project seven years ago. It took time because we wanted to ensure the highest international standards for the medicine we produce,” al-Sisi explained.
Equipped with the latest technologies in drug production, the city is set to be a regional hub, attracting major pharmaceutical and vaccine manufacturing companies.
Prime Minister Mostafa Madbouly attended the inauguration event alongside Defence Minister Mohamed Zaki and a number of ministers and senior officials.
After opening remarks, the president toured the facilities and listened to reports from staff on work at the giant plant.

A snap shot from Extra News shows President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi during the inauguration of the giant Egyptian medical city GYPTO Pharma on Thursday 1 April 2021.
Largest city of its kind in the Middle East
The new city’s immense capabilities will help serve the massive Egyptian market with superior and affordable local medication.
GYPTO Pharma is intended to up cooperation between the state and the private sector to make Egypt a regional center for manufacturing medication in the Middle East.