The Egyptian Exchange closed high on Thursday with the main index, EGX 30, soaring by 1.16 percent to 17,342.29. The index gained 198.07 points, recording a day high value of 17,448.94 and a day low value of 17,144.22.
EGX 70 inched up by 1.06 1.06 percent and gained 35.80 points to close at 3,428.07. It recorded a day high value of 3,434.56 and a day low value of 3,392.25.
EGX 30 Capped climbed by 1.24 percent and gained 257.45 points to reach a value of 21,074.42. It recorded a day high value of 21,172.91 and a day low value of 20,816.97.