The Egyptian Exchange closed low on Tuesday, with the main index, EGX 30, dropping by -0.05 percent to 17,300.56. The index lost 10.27 points, recording a day high value of 17,367.17 and a day low value of 17,207.96.
EGX 70 fell by -0.42 percent to 2,982.94, losing 12.59 points. It recorded a day high value of 3,009.34 and a day low value of 2,974.05.
EGX 30 Capped rose slightly by 0.04 percent and gained 9.56 points. It reached a value of 20,695.07, after it recorded a day high value of 20,771.07 and a day low value of 20,558.10.
The Egyptian Exchange market cap lost around 2 billion EGP today.