Home Tech/AIIndustry & Trade Egyptian Cabinet plans development projects in Sinai, Aswan, Beheira

Egyptian Cabinet plans development projects in Sinai, Aswan, Beheira

by Amwal Al Ghad English
land plot

Egypt’s Cabinet on Wednesday approved to allocate a number of the state’s land plots in order to establish various developmental projects in Sinai, Aswan, and Beheira governorates.

As for North Sinai governorate’s flagships, the Cabinet also ratified to reallocate 371.46 feddans of the state’s land plots in favour of the Egyptian Armed Forces in order to expand and develop Arish port.

General Authority for Suez Canal Economic Zone (SCZone) is responsible for financing, developing, and operating Arish port.

In addition, the Cabinet approved to reallocate 50.68 feddans of the state’s land plots to execute developmental projects, including veterinary quarantines and slaughterhouses for the General Authority for Reconstruction and Agricultural Development.

As for the state’s developmental projects in Beheira, the Cabinet also allocated 5,4251 feddans in the governorate for the New Urban Communities Authority (NUCA) to implement a new urban community there.

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