Egypt’s New Administrative Capital Company for Urban Development unveils that it hopes to establish a major commercial centre at the services areas in the new capital, 45km (28 miles) east of Cairo.
The company’s services sector chairman said Thursday the commercial centre, which will be execute on a space of 5,000 feddans, aims to serve the residential expansions and the governmental district in the new city.
“New Administrative Capital Company launched the first phase of services areas on a space of 44,000 feddans in March 2015,” Yasser El Baroudy further told Amwal Al Ghad.
El Baroudy clarified that this phase is set to include providing the fully-fledged services for eight residential areas to the governmental district, presidential headquarters, and two investment areas.
In addition, the official said the first phase will encompass a bunch of hospitals, eight giant universities, 35 schools, and commercial markets as well as a major medical centre, training centre, and stadium besides 15 areas for clinics.
“New Administrative Capital Company is responsible for delivering the governmental district at the end of June 2019,” he concluded.
As for new capital, the under-construction city is part of the Egyptian government’s scheme to expand urban areas to deal with the state’s rapid population growth and improve the nation’s infrastructure.
The new city is set to be a 270-square-mile hub with 21 residential districts to accommodate five million people. It is to feature 1,250 mosques and churches as well as 5,000-seat conference center, nearly 2,000 schools and colleges, over 600 medical facilities, and a park that is projected to be the world’s largest.