Home Tech/AIIndustry & Trade Egypt put sits foot on the road of next health revolution

Egypt put sits foot on the road of next health revolution

by Amwal Al Ghad English

The most important results of the World Economic Forum are the increase of medical investment, the speed of the medicine production and the health expansion towards Africa.

Egypt is following the footsteps of developed countries, and is putting its feet on the first road of the digital health transformation, in terms of the speed of production and manufacture of medicine in Egypt, its supportof the medical system to export medicine to Africa and to increase of investment in the medical field.

This is the outline of the results of the 10th World Economic Forum of the Middle East and North Africa, in which more than 1,000 local and international political and economic figures participated

Ramez Mohsen, Managing Director of Janssen North Africaand one of the most prominent participants on behalf of Egypt in the forum, confirms that the aim of the conference is to increase the investment, create a better climate for the citizens, and to utilize digital technologies for the benefit of citizensin the Middle East and  Africa.

Mohsenpointed out that the investment in Egypt in the field of Healthcare has reached unprecedented prospects and thatdigital medicine has become medicine of the near future.

The comparative statistics show that there are 31 million Egyptians using a mobile phone, which facilitates and improves communication betweenphysicians and patients.

Ramez added that digital health in Egypt allows patients to better communicate with competent physicians.One of the most important goals of the idea of digital healthis tospeed up of medicine production, including medicineswherescientific researchesusuallytakes decades to produce, but with digital health, this period has been greatly reduced.

One of the benefits of the digital medicine also is that whenthere is a great difficulty sometimes in the arrival of the patient to the treating physician, the role of the digital medicine emerges as it overcomes this obstacle with the ease of communication between the two parties with giving important guidance.

He added thatthisis already taking place in other countries and is going to be applied in the region soon.

One of the examples of the application of digital medicine is the recognition of sound print in the fields of psychiatry as is the case in USA, wherethe treating physician is able, through only the sound of the patient, to determine whether he’s suffering from depression, or healed, or his condition deteriorated, or not.

That is a huge revolution in the world of medicine and also in the field of scientific research.

He confirms that Egypt is a leading country in our region and we support the general policy of decision-makers to head towards Africa.

The Ministry of Health itself wants to launch a campaign of 100 million Africans, thus increasing the bond between our African brothers and Egypt especially thatboth suffer from similar disease including hypertension, diabetes and obesity.

This allows the Egyptian pharmaceutical market to be actively present in the African markets and support all countries in the continent.

Ramez confirms that one of the most important applications of the health development in Egypt is the Precoding project adopted by the Ministry of Health, which means that every medicine pack has its own non-recurring digital barcode why can be clicked to show the journey of the package from the production from the factory and till it reaches the pharmacy.

Pharmaceutical companies are asked to choose one medicine for this application. We, at Janssen, have all our medicines numbered with barcode for safer medicines.

He concludes by saying, “We contacted with Amr Nassar, Minister of Industry and Trade during the Forum. We talked about several things, including facilitating the production of pharmaceuticals in Egypt, supporting the medical system to export medicine in Africa, discussing the pricing process and developing a pricing programme.”

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