Home Tech/AIIndustry & Trade Egypt offers 204 industrial units for investors in Mergham 2

Egypt offers 204 industrial units for investors in Mergham 2

by Hesham Ibrahim & Sanaa Allam
Egypt trade

Minister of Trade and Industry offers 204 industrial units to investors at the Plastic Industries Complex in Alexandria, Mergham 2, according to Nevine Gamea.

Gamea, who is also Executive Director of the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise Development Agency (MSMEDA), noted the complex covers an area of 51 feddan.

She noted that the complex complements the Mergham 1 complex, comprised of 238 industrial units, which also specialises in the plastic industries.

The two complexes constitute the nucleus of an integrated plastic industries city based on the availability of raw materials in the adjacent petrochemical area. This area includes the major petrochemical companies in Alexandria.

Gamea said her ministry is considering coordinating with the Chemical Industries Holding Company in the provision of necessary raw materials for the Merghem 2 complex at cost price.

The ministry aims to establish 17 industrial parks for small- and medium-sized enterprises, at a total cost of 8.5 billlion Egyptian pounds.

Moreover, construction on four of them has been completed in Badr City, Sadat City, Mergham 1 and South Raswa in Port Said,” Gamea said.

The construction of 13 complexes in 12 governorates, totalling 4,311 units and worth 10.6 million pound is currently underway in different sectors, including furniture, ready-made clothes, plastic, food, engineering, and simple chemical and building materials, and which is expected to provide 85,000 job opportunities.

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