Home Tech/AIIndustry & Trade Egypt mulls activating 4 MOUs signed with Romania

Egypt mulls activating 4 MOUs signed with Romania

by aya salah

Egypt and Romania are in talks to bring four memoranda of understanding into effect in the coming period.

Egyptian Minister of Investment and International Cooperation Sahar Nasr, met Sunday with Romanian Minister for Business Environment, Commerce, and Entrepreneurship Ilan Laufer to discuss means to implement the four MoUs and bolster bilateral cooperation between the two countries.

The four MOUs were signed between the two sides during the second round of meetings of the Egyptian-Romanian Joint Committee for Economic and Scientific Cooperation took place in Bucharest last July.

Nasr stressed the distinguished economic relations between Egypt and Romania, which enjoy a high level of coordination and are characterized by a convergence of views, taking into consideration the great potentials of the two countries.

She also pointed out the importance of increasing the cooperation between the two countries and discussing the possibility of implementing a number of Romanian projects in the Suez Canal development area.

Minister Laufer said that the Egyptian-Romanian Business forum will be held tomorrow on the sidelines of his visit to Egypt to know more about the investments opportunities in the North African country, in addition to the incentives and guarantees offered by the new investment law. The Romanian minister also commended the economic reforms undertaken by the Egyptian government to improve the business environment and investment climate.

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