Home Tech/AIIndustry & Trade EGP1.8 bln Malaysian Exports To Egypt In 3 Key Sectors

EGP1.8 bln Malaysian Exports To Egypt In 3 Key Sectors

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Egyptian Exports to Malaysian market amounted to EGP 425 million in Q3 of 2012, rose 4% from a year earlier, EGP 409 million in 2011.

Reliable sources in the foreign trade sector told Amwal Al Ghad that the Egyptian exports focused on a number of sectors, food industries came first to record EGP 61 million, then the chemical and textile industries.

The sources added that the Malaysian exports to Egyptian market centered on three main sectors, food industry in advance; recording EGP 1.2 billion, the textile sector reached EGP 245 million, then the furniture and furnishings sector recorded EGP 307. So Egypt’s imports of these sectors amounted to EGP 1.8 billion.

The Egyptian government is negotiating with the Malaysian side to sign a free trade agreement that contributes to boosting the Egyptian exports to the Malaysian market, through decreasing or cancelling the customs fees on the Egyptian exports, also opening Egyptian market for Malaysian products.

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