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Customs’ Employees Protest In Front Of Finance Ministry

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The Egyptian Customs Authority’s employees held a protest in front of the Ministry of Finance, asking for the achievement of their rights that were earlier approved by the Minister last March, but were not achieved till now.

Alaa El-Din Mosaad, inspector at the anti-smuggling customs central administration, said such move came as the Minister of Finance ignored the employees’ demands which he had earlier approved.

These demands will insure social justice among customs’ employees as well as solve the problems facing the employees in remote areas such as Nuweiba, Sinai and Salloum and implement new mechanisms to develop the customs authority. The protestors represent all the employees of the authority, Mosaad noted.

Islam El-Khateeb, customs inspector in Assuit, said if the Minister did not respond to their demands, they will hold a sit-in and hunger strike in front of the Ministry.

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