Home Feature COP28 enters final stage of negotiations

COP28 enters final stage of negotiations

by Aya El Sayed

The final stage of negotiations for the COP28 climate summit started on Monday in Dubai, with the participation of all concerned parties.

It will continue until tomorrow to reach a fair and equitable agreement to limit the repercussions of climate change and preserve the planet Earth.

The negotiations are followed by global anticipation of the practical solutions presented and the announcement of the final results of the COP28 after the approval of all parties.

The UAE has made great efforts to facilitate this crucial stage as the world seeks a solution that meets both development and climate needs.

The COP28 provides an exceptional opportunity to achieve a science-based outcome that aims to keep global warming below 1.5 degrees Celsius in response to the Paris Agreement.

Sultan Al Jaber, President of the COP28, said on Sunday that the UAE has made all necessary efforts to facilitate the negotiation process to reach a fair and equitable agreement to limit the repercussions of climate change.

“We have reached the final and decisive stage, and the world is waiting for decisive results that achieve a balance between sustainable development and climate action,” Al Jaber affirmed, during his meeting with representatives of state parties.

The COP28 presidency is focused on developing strategies to bridge the divide between funding, adaptation, and action.

They are also committed to expediting the mitigation process while tackling transition challenges in the energy sector.

Furthermore, they emphasise the importance of reaching a mutual agreement on fossil fuels, including coal, with the involvement of all stakeholders.

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