Egypt’s stock exchange (EGX) has launched on Wednesday during the COP27 climate summit taking place in Sharm El-Sheikh the first African voluntary carbon market.
The market will boost “financing African climate projects to achieve net zero”, the EGX said in a tweet.
Egyptian Minister of Planning Hala al-Saeed, Minister of Environment Yasmine Fouad, and Mohamed Farid, chairman of the country’s Financial Regulatory Authority (FRA), have attended the launch ceremony.
The market will ensure more commitment from the private sector to confront climate change, said Minister Fouad.
She added that it would also help implement the ministry’s updated national contribution plan in partnership between the government and the private sector to accelerate reaching low-carbon practices.
Voluntary carbon markets allow carbon emitters to offset their unavoidable emissions by purchasing carbon credits emitted by projects targeted at removing or reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) from the atmosphere.
مصر تطلق أول سوق أفريقي طوعي لإصدار وتداول شهادات الكربون
السوق الجديد يعزز قدرات القارة الافريقية في تحقيق المستهدفات المناخية وفق المعايير الدولية
اصدار وتداول شهادات الكربون تمكن القطاع الخاص الافريقي المساهمة في تحقيق الحياد الكربوني والوصول الى حلول تمويلية تنموية مبتكرة
— Egyptian Exchange – EGX – البورصة المصرية (@EgxEgyptian) November 9, 2022
Announcing the Voluntary Carbon Market in Egypt
Meet us at The Egyptian Pavilion at the Blue Zone from 11 AM to 12 PM#TogetherForImplementation#Collation_for_climate_action#Decarbonize_your_returns#COP27#Egypt#Africa#EGX— Egyptian Exchange – EGX – البورصة المصرية (@EgxEgyptian) November 9, 2022