Home Tech/AIIndustry & Trade Chamber of commerce offers low-interest loans to small traders

Chamber of commerce offers low-interest loans to small traders

by Administrator

Giza Chamber of Commerce decided in cooperation with the Social Development Fund to grant low-interest loans to small traders and investors in the governorate, besides working to find solutions for their financing problems, as the chamber aims at stimulating the activity of trading and investing in the governorate.

Adel Nasser –Chairman of Giza Chamber of Commerce, and the General Secretary of Commercial Chambers Union – said that offering these loans requires the trader to be a member of the chamber and also to own a commercial record and Tax ID.

Nasser added that a committee was formed in Giza chamber, in purpose of receiving loans requests from traders in coordination with the social fund, and this committee will be responsible for checking the requests, as MENA stated.

Nasser also confirmed that all facilities will be presented to help the traders taking advantages of the loans, as these loans are supposed to be exploited in expanding the current projects, or establishing new investments, which should explore a new category of young businessmen and investors.

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