Home Tech/AIIndustry & Trade BOT Achieves EGP 16.6 bln With Arab Countries

BOT Achieves EGP 16.6 bln With Arab Countries

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The volume of exchange between Egypt and Arab countries reached EGP 36 billion by the end of June, 2012. Egypt achieved the highest surplus to the balance of trade, compared to other clusters which reached EGP 16.6 billion; to exceed the surplus of the exchange between Egypt and EU countries at the same period of 2012, with EGP 6.5 billion.

The report issued by the General Organization for Export and Import Control (GOEIC) showed that Egypt’s exports to Arab countries amounted to EGP 26.55 billion in H1 of 2012, while Egypt’s imports from these countries reached EGP 9.989 billion.

The report pointed out that building materials have acquired the lion’s share of Egypt’s exports with EGP 7.12 billion, followed by food industries with EGP 4.64 billion, meanwhile, engineering and electronic products reached EGP 3.84 billion. As for the chemical products and fertilizer, they reached 2.68 billion, the food crops sector achieved EGP 1.99 billion, the medical industries reached EGP 816 billion and furniture reached EGP 743 million. The furnishings amounted to EGP 371 million, the textile reached EGP 284 million, ready-made clothes EGP 165 million, leather products EGP 19 million and the books as well artistic work with EGP 92 million.

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