Home Tech/AIIndustry & Trade Al Azhary to Attend EFT’s Meetings in Jordon

Al Azhary to Attend EFT’s Meetings in Jordon

by Administrator

Khaled Al Azhary, Egypt’s Minister of Manpower and Immigration, will arrive at Amman this Monday in order to take part in the meetings to be held by the European Training Foundation- ETF in the area of the dead sea. These meetings will be conducted over three days in order to consider new opportunities for allowing skilled Arab people to participate in the development of the northern and eastern zone of the Mediterranean sea.

Al-Azhary added that he is going to meet the Jordanian Ministry of Labor in order to discuss the Egyptian manpower in Jordon.

The Minister also refuted rumors that stated recently that the Egyptian government has banned Egyptians from heading for Jordon for work. He attributed that these rumors to the Egyptian workers who have signed contracts with the Agricultural sector and tried to escape responsibility by telling their employers that the government is behind that problem.

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