Home Feature Ahed Tamimi among 30 Palestinian hostages released

Ahed Tamimi among 30 Palestinian hostages released

by Sama Mousa
Ahed Tamimi

Palestinian activist Ahed Tamimi, 22, was among the 30 Palestinian hostages released on Wednesday night from Israeli prison systems, press reported.

Tamimi was arrested earlier this month over an Instagram post, which she did not write.

Images showed Tamimi, who was held hostage in Damon Prison near the occupied city of Haifa, returned to the West Bank late on Wednesday.

Israeli media and settlers reported that she threatened to “slaughter” Jewish settlers.

However, according to her mother, the account did not belong to her daughter.

“There are dozens of pages in Ahed’s name with her photo, with which she has no connection,” she told AFP news agency at the time of Tamimi’s arrest.

Upon her release, Tamimi talked about the abuse Palestinians face in Israeli prisons, highlighting that both women and men alike were beaten.

She also said that the Israeli occupation forces threatened her to kill her father, who is still held hostage in Israeli prisons, if she says anything they do not like.

She concluded her statement by praying for freedom to all Palestinian hostages and to the Palestinian lands.

More than 200 Palestinian women and children have been freed by Israel in the truce so far, with Hamas releasing 70 Israelis.

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