Home Africa News African countries to call more fossil fuel projects at COP27 summit

African countries to call more fossil fuel projects at COP27 summit

by Nada Ali
African Union Commissioner for Infrastructure and Energy

The African countries will exploit COP27 talks in Egypt to support fossil fuels that expands economies and electricity access, African Union (AU) Commissioner for Infrastructure and Energy said on Tuesday.

The oil and coal will play a crucial role in expanding modern energy access over the short to medium term, according to an AU study attended by 45 African countries on 16 June seen by Reuters.

The African situation that criticised by environmental groups could take place in COP27 that will be held next month in Sharm El Sheikh seeking to build on the previous Glasgow summit.

In addition to that the conference is a good time to financing targets by rich nations to poorer countries that have fallen far short of the promised $100 billion a year by 2020.

“We realize that some countries may have to use fossil fuels at the moment, but it is not one solution fits all,” said Amani Abou Zeid AU Commissioner for Infrastructure and Energy.

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