Home NewsEgypt News Africa needs more investments to push forward climate agenda: Mohieldin

Africa needs more investments to push forward climate agenda: Mohieldin

by Nada Ali
Mahmoud Mohieldin

UN Climate Change High Level Champion for Egypt Mahmoud Mohieldin has urged to enhance the climate change agenda in Africa by increasing related projects and investments, as it is the most affected by the repercussions of climate change.

Mohieldin has explained that Africa contributes a small percentage to the total global harmful emissions.

He made his remarks in opening session of the Road to COP27: The Africa Regional Forum on Climate Initiatives to Finance Climate Action and the SDGs, which kicked off in Addis Ababa on Tuesday.

Africa’s gross domestic product (GDP) awaited to reduce by 2.25 percent, Mohieldin said according to UN figures.

As a result, he warned about the risks posed by extreme climate events in Africa where most economies depend on natural resources, such as minerals, agriculture and wildlife.

Mohieldin stressed on the need to stimulate private investments in clean energy in Africa, which pushes the climate change agenda.

He highlighted some potential clean energy projects that might contribute to handling the climate crisis, such as the African Green Hydrogen Alliance whose founding members include: Egypt, Mauritania, Namibia, Kenya, and South Africa.

Moheildin assured that Africa can achieve a significant level of sustainable and much cleaner energy with using the right energy policies and financial support.

Moreover, he stressed the need to ensure a just and equitable transition with affordable clean and renewable technologies.

According to his speech, Mohieldin said that Africa remains the continent most vulnerable to climate change’s effects despite its low contribution to greenhouse gas emissions, adding Africa produces maximum three percent of the world’s total, according to experts.

Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry, the president-designate of COP27, said that Egypt will speak up for Africa’s aspirations to cope with climate change during the conference.

Egypt will host the United Nations’ Conference of Parties on Climate Change (COP 27) that will take place in Egypt’s Sharm El Sheikh between 7-18 November.

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