The Egyptian National Competitiveness Council (ENCC) launched today the eighth annual conference, entitled ” A Sustainable Competitiveness Strategy for Egypt”. A number of ministers and representatives of the government, international globalization and various sectors participated in the conference, to highlight the the paramount important policies of competitive support and comprehensive growth that should be implemented with the social dimension.
Amina Ghanem, CEO of ENCC, emphasized the necessity of evaluating the market capability on the competitiveness; consequently amending the state’s policies to promote its competitiveness with the exterior markets. The council considers the issues of comprehensive and balanced growth sustainability, besides its relation with the social justice and equal opportunity; through doing researches, economic studies and spreading out the recommendations to support the necessary reforms, so as to promote the Egyptian citizen’s standard of living.
Dr Seif Fahmy, Chairman of ENCC, on his side, referred that the purpose of the classification is to evaluate the government’s performance and its progresses in reforming the society; mentioning that Egypt has reached lower level due to the post-revolution protests.
The chairman expected that the numbers will be improved in the coming classification, owing to the reforms and sustainable development that the government heads to; underscoring the significance of focusing on the food security sector and tourism sector as two main factors in the economic reform process.
ENCC: Evaluating Egypt’s Govt Helps in Changing State’s Policies
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